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Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
Benazir Kafaalat New Per Quarter Installment Updates

Benazir Kafaalat Program

The Benazir Kafaalat Program is one of the various initiatives launched by the Government of Pakistan under the Benazir Income Support Program to provide relief to the deserving sections. This initiative was started in the year 2008 by the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto. In the beginning, the purpose of this program was to provide cash assistance only to widows; however, with the passage of time, more changes were made in this program, and now it is the largest and only cash transfer program in Pakistan.

This program has been designed keeping both short- and long-term goals in mind. The short-term objective of this program is to protect those households living below the poverty level from the negative effects of inflation, food shortages, and weak economic growth. While if we talk about its long-term objectives, the objective of this program is to empower women belonging to poor and deserving families and to eradicate chronic poverty. Currently, about 9.3 million people belonging to Pakistan are benefiting from this program, and the happy thing is that the government of Pakistan plans to increase this number to 10 million by next year.

Also Read: New Updates For Benazir Kafaalat Registration Completers

Benazir Kafaalat New Per Quarter Installment

BISP Kafaalat Program Current Per Quarter Amount

Before proceeding to the main purpose of the article, let me first tell you a few important things regarding the current quarterly installment of the Benazir Kafalat program. Let me tell you that currently the Benazir Income Support Program provides quarterly installments of Rs 10,500 to the beneficiaries under the kafalat program. And the most important thing for you to know here is that currently the Benazir Income Support Program has started making payments to the beneficiaries of the kafalat program. Currently, BISP is issuing payments to beneficiaries who are regular beneficiaries of the sponsorship program across the country. So if you are also among the regular beneficiaries, then this is the best opportunity for you to get paid. You can visit your nearest BISP camp site to collect your payment after checking payment online with the help of 8171 web portal.

Benazir Kafaalat Per Quarter Installment from January 2025

And now let’s talk about the main purpose of the article, so let me tell you that if you are a regular beneficiary of the Kafalat program or if you have recently completed your registration process, this is great news for you. Recently, the quarterly installment of the Kafalat program has been increased by the government of Pakistan. According to this increase, such beneficiaries who are part of the program will receive quarterly installments of 13500 instead of 10500 from early 2025. If seen, this increase of 3,000 is much higher than the previous increase. Along with this, let me also tell you that this increase will be applied from January 2025. Because at this time BISP is continuing to pay the current installment, which is Rs.10,500. And the next installment is to be released within January 2025, so this increase will be applicable from then as well.

Update Regarding New Registration

If we talk about the new registration of the sponsorship program, as I told you at the beginning of the article, the government of Pakistan intends to increase the number of beneficiaries of the sponsorship program from 9.3 million to 10 million. Keeping the same thing in mind, new registration has also been started in Benazir Income Support Program offices. So if you have not been able to join this program yet, then this is the best opportunity for you to complete the registration and become a part of this program. If you also want to complete your registration process, visit your nearest BISP registration center with your ID card number and mobile number registered in your name. And be a part of the Benazir Income Support Program by completing your survey so that you too can be eligible for financial assistance tomorrow.

Also Read: Check Your Payment Through BISP 8171 Web Portal At Home


The increase in the quarterly installment of the Benazir Kafaalat program by the Government of Pakistan is a commendable initiative. This initiative of the government of Pakistan will not only help the poor and deserving families to get out of poverty, but they will also be able to avoid other problems like food shortages. The purpose of the article was to inform you about this. In this article, you have been provided with complete information regarding the increase in quarterly installments by the Government of Pakistan. Along with this, you have been provided with necessary information regarding the start of new registration within this article. So if you want to get any more information regarding this or you have any questions regarding this, then you must ask in the comment section.

By 8171Update

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