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Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
Benazir Kafalat Payment Update For Month of September 

Benazir Kafalat New Payment

The Benazir Kafalat Program is a huge social safety net providing financial assistance to the women of poor and deserving families on a quarterly basis and working tirelessly day and night for the development and strengthening of these families. The government of Pakistan provides financial assistance to women belonging to poor and deserving families every three months under this program. And at this time, the series of payments to the regular beneficiaries of the kafalat program has started throughout the country.

If you are also a regular beneficiary of this program and have been receiving financial assistance before. And if you want to get an update on the payment being provided this time, then in this article you are being informed with complete details in this regard. You can get complete information in this regard after reading this article completely.

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Benazir Kafalat July to September Installment

Benazir Kafalat July to September Installment

According to the data collected from various official sources, the Benazir Kafalat program has released July to September installments in many districts of the country. Eligible beneficiaries belonging to these districts can visit their nearest BISP camp site and receive their payment. Apart from this, the beneficiaries who could not receive the payments last time due to some engagement can receive their previous payment along with this payment.

مختلف سرکاری ذرائع سے اکٹھے کیے جانے والے اعداد و شمار کے مطابق, بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام نے ملک کے بہت سارے اضلاع کے اندر جولائی تا ستمبر قسط جاری کر دی ہے. ان اضلاع سے تعلق رکھنے والے اہل بینیفشریز اپنی قریبی بی ائی ایس پی کیمپ siteپر جا کر اپنی ادائیگی وصول کر سکتے ہیں. اس کے علاوہ ایسے مستحقین جن کو پچھلی دفعہ ادائیگیاں وصول نہیں ہو سکی تھی یا وہ کسی مصروفیت کی وجہ سے اپنی ادائیگی کو وصول نہیں کر سکے تھے تو وہ اس ادائیگی کے ساتھ ساتھ اپنی پچھلی ادائیگی بھی وصول کر سکتے ہیں

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کی جانب سے بتائے گئے طریقہ کار کے مطابق ایسے مستحقین جن کو 8171 سے ادائیگی جاری ہونے کا ایس ایم ایس موصول ہو صرف اور صرف وہی اپنی ادائیگی حاصل کرنے کے لئے اپنی قریبی کیمپ سائٹ کا رخ کریں. یاد رکھیں بی ائی ایس پی کے مطابق ایسے بینیفیشری جن کو 8171 سے ادائیگی جاری ہونے کا ایس ایم ایس موصول نہیں ہوا ہوگا ان کو کیمپ سائٹ کے اندر جانے کی اجازت نہیں ہوگی. لہذا اپ سے گزارش ہے کہ جب تک اپ کو 8171 سے ادائیگی جاری ہونے کا ایس ایم ایس موصول نہ ہو کیمپ سائٹ جانے سے گریز کریں.

According to the procedure given by the Benazir Income Support Program, those beneficiaries who have received the SMS from 8171 that the payment has been issued should go to their nearest camp site to receive their payment. Remember, according to BISP, beneficiaries who have not received the payment release SMS from 8171 will not be allowed to enter the campsite. Therefore, you are requested to avoid going to the campsite until you receive the payment release SMS from 8171.

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As I mentioned above, Kafalat program payments on behalf of the Benazir Income Support Program have been released in a few districts across the country. So the beneficiaries who have not yet received the payment release SMS from 8171, And if they want to get their payment information, then for their guidance, I am going to provide here the procedure to check the amount through the 8171 web portal. Such beneficiaries can check their payment at home by following this method.

  • First visit the BISP official web portal, 8171.bisp.gov.pk.
  • After opening the web portal, enter your ID card number.
  • After entering the ID card number, you will see a Captcha code on the screen.
  • After reading this captcha code, enter it in the captcha code field.
  • And press the find button.
  • As soon as you press the button, all the details of your payment will be displayed on your screen.

Remember, if the payments have been issued within your district, then you will get to see your payment details here. And if the payment has not been issued within your district, then here you will get to see the previous payment details only. From which you can confirm whether the payment has been issued within your district or not.

Also Read: Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 New Registration Last Date

Kafalat Latest Registration Update Via NSER 

According to the latest updates issued by the BISP officials, those who wish to join the Kafalat program can now become a part of the program by completing their NSER survey. It should be remembered that a few days ago, the Benazir Income Support Program decided to include more 7 lakh families in the Kafalat program. So if you are also willing to join this program, then this is a golden opportunity for you to complete the registration. Go to your nearest BISP tehsil office today and complete your NSER survey and complete your application. So that within the next few days you can also be a part of this program and get financial assistance.


The Benazir Income Support Program has released payments to the eligible beneficiaries of the Kafalat program. The beneficiaries of the districts within which the payments of the Benazir Kafalat Program have been released in the first phase can go to their nearest BISP camp site and receive their payment. Also, those beneficiaries who do not know whether the payment has been released within their district or not can get information regarding their payment at home by following the procedure mentioned in this article. Apart from this, the process of registration to include new families in the sponsorship program on behalf of BISP is also going on across the country. I hope the information provided in this article will be useful for you. If you want to get any kind of information, then you can get the information by commenting in the comment section.

By 8171Update

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