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Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Double Payment For Children New Updates

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif New Updates

Good news for the students registered in the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program. If you have completed your registration under the Taleemi Wazaif Program and have been declared eligible, now you are waiting for your next payment. There is a complete explanation for this within this article. The purpose of this article is to provide complete information to such students, with the help of which they can get the aid money received for their educational scholarships.

Students who have recently completed their registration and were declared eligible but have not received the first payment need not worry. All such students who have not received the first payment are being provided a double payment this time. But it is very important for you to understand that this double payment will be available only to those students whose school attendance will be more than 70%, so you have to ensure attendance in school to get the money.

Taleemi Wazaif New Registration Start

If students who belong to poor families and their parents cannot meet their educational expenses, then there is no need to worry. Registration for the benazir taleemi Wazaif program has been started again by the government of Pakistan. Now all such students can complete their registration within this program and get financial assistance every 3 months so that they can continue their education. So, if you do not know the procedure to complete the registration, then you do not need to worry; the complete procedure is being shared with you in detail in this article. Registration can be completed very easily by following the procedure mentioned.

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Double Payment

To complete the registration, parents should visit their nearest Benazir Income Support Program office with their child’s birth certificate and mother’s ID card. After visiting the office, provide the child’s birth certificate and the mother’s identity card to the representative there. After which, the representative there will provide you with a registration form. After filling out the registration form completely with the help of the school headmaster, go back to the BISP office and submit it. After which, your registration process is complete.

After the screening is completed, if the child meets all the eligibility criteria, he or she is admitted to the program. After becoming a part of the program, the installment of the child’s education scholarship is released every three months, along with the installment of the kafalat program, which can be obtained from any payment center.

How To Receive 7000 For Taleemi Wazaif?

Before receiving educational scholarships, it is very important for you to understand that this amount is paid only to those children who are declared eligible under the Taleemi Wazaif program. The goal is not only to complete the registration; you also have to make sure that your child has been declared eligible under the benazir taleemi wazaif program or not. So after some time, after completing the registration, you must visit your nearest BISP office to make sure. Here, you can get complete details by providing your child’s Bay Form.

Remember that the Benazir taleemi wazaif assistance amount is released along with the kafalat program, so you can receive your child’s education scholarship amount as soon as the kafalat program amount is released. To receive the education scholarship amount, you can go to any of your nearest BISP payment centers or connect agents and get your child’s taleemi wazaif amount by providing your ID card number. Children who, for some reason, did not receive their aid money last time will be given a double payment the next time, so be sure to get your receipt when receiving the money.

Required Document

If you have not yet completed the registration of your child under the Benazir taleemi wazaif program, then this is a golden opportunity for you to complete the registration of the child as soon as possible. Because the registration process has been formally started by the government of Pakistan, To complete the registration, you will need some necessary documents, whose complete details are provided below.

  • You must have the child’s Bay Form to complete the registration.
  • The mother’s identity card number should be entered on the child’s birth form.
  • Apart from this, you have to provide the mother’s identity card while completing the registration.
  • Electricity bill or gas bill to avoid any further hassles.

Contact Information

Telephone number0800-26477, 051-9246326
AddressBenazir Income Support Scheme, Block F, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Official website8171 Web Portal

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