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Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
Benazir Taleemi Wazaif New Payment Update Oct 2024

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program

The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program is a conditional cash transfer program launched by the Government of Pakistan. The purpose of which is to provide cash financial assistance to the children of women benefiting from the kafalat program to continue their education. Under this program, the Benazir Income Support Program provides cash financial assistance to male and female students on a quarterly basis so that they do not stop their education due to a lack of financial resources. In this article, I am going to provide the latest information regarding the grant money to the students who are part of the taleemi wazaif program. So if you are also a part of the Taleemi Wazaif program, then this article is going to be very helpful for you.

Also, within this article, you will be informed about the latest updates regarding new registration, so that if you have not yet completed the registration of your children, you can easily register your children Complete the registration. So if you are interested in getting complete information, then read this article till the end.

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Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Oct 2024 Payment Update

Reasons for Delay in Payments

As you know, the last two installments of taleemi wazaif have not been released by the Benazir Income Support Program, which includes the July to September and October to December installments. And if we talk about the reasons for the delay in the payments of these installments, you should know that the taleemi wazaif program is a conditional cash transfer program, and the payments are released only to those children who are meeting the eligibility criteria. And due to school holidays in the summer, the verification of children could not be completed, due to which the payments were delayed. However, now the process of verification of children has been started by the Benazir Income Support Program, and as soon as the process of verification is completed, payments will be issued to the children. According to sources, the verification process will be completed before January 2025. So those children who are waiting for their payments to be issued need not worry, as the payments will be issued as soon as the verification process is completed.

When Will The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Payments Start?

If we take the article further and talk about when the payment of scholarships will start, then children will be extremely happy to know that from January 2025, the payment of all installments of the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif program will start. Children who have not received the July to September and October to December installments will be able to get these two installments with the installment released in January 2025. This clearly means that the students will get the three installments together in January 2025, which will further help the children to continue their education. So such children or parents who were worried due to non-issue of payment need not worry anymore. Further, if there is any change in this regard or any further information in this regard is released by the Benazir Income Support Program, then you will be informed in full detail in this regard.

اگر ہم مضمون کو مزید آگے بڑھائیں اور اس بات پر بات کریں کہ وظائف کی ادائیگی کب شروع ہوگی، تو بچوں کو یہ جان کر بے حد خوشی ہوگی کہ جنوری 2025 سے بے نظیر تعلیمی وظائف پروگرام کی تمام قسطوں کی ادائیگی شروع ہوجائے گی۔ جن بچوں کو جولائی تا ستمبر اور اکتوبر سے دسمبر کی قسطیں نہیں ملی ہیں وہ جنوری 2025 میں جاری ہونے والی قسط کے ساتھ یہ دونوں اقساط حاصل کر سکیں گے۔ اس کا واضح مطلب ہے کہ طلباء کو یہ تینوں قسطیں جنوری 2025 میں مل جائیں گی۔ جس سے بچوں کو تعلیم جاری رکھنے میں مزید مدد ملے گی۔ لہٰذا ایسے بچے یا والدین جو ادائیگی جاری نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے پریشان تھے انہیں مزید پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں۔

Latest Updates Regarding New Registration

If we talk about registration, on the special instructions of the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, the registration has been formally started not to increase the scope of the Taleemi Wazaif program. Women who are benefiting from the Kafalat program and their children have not yet become a part of the education scholarship program then they can go to their nearest Benazir Income Support Program tehsil office and complete the registration of their children. Remember to complete the registration; the mother’s identity card and child’s birth form are mandatory. After completing the registration, the verification process will be completed by BISP, and if the child fulfills all the eligibility criteria, the scholarship will be issued to him/her. Remember, the purpose of the verification process is to provide scholarships only to the children of deserving families.

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The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program is an admirable initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan to provide cash financial assistance to the children of economically weaker families to continue their education. The purpose of this article was to inform the latest information regarding Taleemi Wazaif payments to those students who are in trouble due to non-issue of payments. In this article, such students have been informed with complete details about when the payments are going to be released. Along with this, the latest information regarding the new registration is also included in the article. Further, if you want to get any kind of information in this regard or if you have any question in this regard, then you must ask in the comment section, and your question will be answered in a timely manner.

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