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Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program New Registration Process

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif

The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program is a conditional cash transfer program launched for higher secondary education of children of Kafalat beneficiaries of BISP. The purpose of this program is to provide cash financial assistance on a quarterly basis, especially to the children of Kafalat beneficiaries, to continue their education. This initiative not only helps the government reduce the drop-out rate in schools but also helps in reducing the poverty rate.

The purpose of this article is to inform you about the new registration of Taleemi Wazaif. Recently, under the direction of BISP chairperson Rubina Khalid, instructions have been issued to start registration regularly to include more lakhs of children in the Taleemi Wazaif program. After this decision, if you are the beneficiaries of the Kafalat program and you have not yet enrolled your children in this education scholarship program, then this is the best opportunity for you. After understanding the procedure provided in this article, you can easily complete the registration of your children by following a few simple steps.

It should be remembered that the government provides a stipend of Rs 2500 to Rs 4500 on a quarterly basis to the male and female students on completion of registration. A special bonus of 3,000 is also provided, especially to girls, on completion of primary education. So read this article completely to get complete details.

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Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program Sep Update 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Let’s advance the article and talk about eligibility criteria first. As I told you at the beginning of the article, this is a conditional cash transfer program. So to avail of this, you have to fulfill some conditions set by the government, which are as follows:

  • The child’s mother must be a regular beneficiary of the Benazir Kafalat program.
  • Child must have Bay Form issued by NADRA.
  • The child must be a student of a government school.
  • The age of the child must be between four years and 22 years.
  • If a child is suffering from any disability, he/she must have a disability certificate.
  • If a child is above 18 years of age, he must have an ID card.

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif New Registration Process

Let’s take the article further and tell you that if you have not yet completed the registration of your child’s Taleemi Wazaif program, then what is the procedure to do it? Here I am going to provide an easy and complete procedure to complete the registration for your guidance. You can complete the registration of the child by following the few simple steps given below.

  • There are a total of 6 steps to complete the registration, out of which the first step is to go to the BISP along with the child whose registration is to be completed.
  • After going to the office within the second step, the concerned officer has to provide the child’s birth certificate and the mobile number of the head of the household.
  • In the third step, the concerned officer completes the registration of the child and issues the enrollment slip to you.
  • In the fourth step, you have to fill out this slip by visiting the child’s school and entering the details of the child’s class teacher and school headmaster.
  • In step 5, you have to submit this enrollment slip back to the Benazir Income Support Program office.
  • While in the sixth and final step, the child stipend is released after the enrollment slip is verified by BISP.

رجسٹریشن کو مکمل کروانے کی کل 6 سٹیپ ہیں جن میں سے سب سے پہلا سٹیپ جس بچے کی رجسٹریشن کو مکمل کروانا ہے اس کو ساتھ لے کر سپورٹ کے دفتر جانا ہے

دوسرے اسٹیپ کے اندر دفتر جانے کے بعد متعلقہ افسر کو بچے کا بے فارم اور گھر کے سربراہ کا موبائل نمبر فراہم کرنا ہے

تیسرے اسٹیپ کے اندر متعلقہ افسر بچے کی رجسٹریشن مکمل کرکے اپ کو انرولمنٹ سلیپ جاری کرتا ہے

چوتھے اسٹیپ کے اندر اپ کو اس سلیپ کو بچے کے اسکول میں سے جا کر پر کروانا ہوگا اور بچے کے کلاس ٹیچر اور اسکول کے ہیڈ ماسٹر کے کوائف کا اندراج کروانا ہوگا

پانچویں اسٹیپ کے اندر اپ کو اس انرولمنٹ سلیپ کو واپس بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے دفتر میں جمع کروانا ہوتا ہے

جبکہ چھٹے اور اخری سٹیپ کے اندر بی ائی ایس پی کی جانب سے انرولمنٹ سلپ کی تصدیق کے بعد بچے کا وظیفہ جاری کر دیا جاتا ہے

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Essential Instructions Regarding Benazir Taleemi Wazaif

If you have recently completed the registration of your child, then here are some important things for you to know. Let’s go tell you that the child will continue to get the stipend as long as his school attendance is more than 70%. As soon as the child’s school attendance is less than 70%, his stipend will be stopped by BISP. Also, if you migrate to another city and change your child’s school. So you have to go to the BISP office and inform the authorities regarding the change of school of the child; otherwise, the stipend of the child will be stopped.


The decision to resume the registration of Benazir Taleemi Wazaif on the direction of Chairman BISP Rubina Khalid is a commendable and auspicious step. This initiative will not only help children belonging to poor and deserving families to continue their education, but they will be able to go ahead and build a better future for their home. The purpose of this article was to inform you regarding the commencement of new registration, so if you have not yet completed the registration of your children, then this will be a golden opportunity for you to complete the registration. So don’t miss this opportunity and complete the registration process for your children now. Further, if you want to get any kind of information regarding this or you have any questions regarding this, then you must ask in the comment section.

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