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Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
Who Will Get Kafalat Program Double Payment 21000

Benazir Kafalat Program New Payment

The Benazir Kafalat Program has released July to September installments to all eligible beneficiaries. Those beneficiaries who have received the SMS from the Benazir Income Support Program about the release of payment can go to their nearest payment center and get their payment. Remember, this time BISP is providing a quarterly installment of Rs 10,500. This time, along with this, the eligible beneficiaries who could not receive the previous installment due to personal engagement are being provided double payment this time. If you are also among the beneficiaries who did not get the previous payment, then here in this article, you are being provided with the complete procedure to get double payment.

Along with this, you will be told with complete details how you can check whether your double payment has been issued this time or not. So If you are willing to get all this information, then you have to read this article completely so that you can get all the information easily and you don’t have to face any kind of difficulties in getting the payment.

Also Read: Benazir Kafalat Program Payment Increase Know Full Details

Kafalat Program Double Payment 21000 Full details

Who Will Get Double Payment 21000?

The Kafalat program provides payments to eligible individuals every 3 months. But it is often seen that many eligible people do not get their payments on time due to various reasons. And later these payments are released to such persons by BISP along with the next payment. This is called double payment by BISP. So those people who wanted to know whether they will get double payment, I hope that after reading this they will have got the answer to all such questions.

کفالت پروگرام ہر 3 ماہ بعد اہل افراد کو ادائیگیاں فراہم کرتا ہے۔ لیکن اکثر یہ دیکھا گیا ہے کہ بہت سے اہل لوگوں کو مختلف وجوہات کی وجہ سے وقت پر ادائیگی نہیں ہوتی ہے۔ اور بعد میں یہ ادائیگیاں ایسے افراد کو BISP کی طرف سے اگلی ادائیگی کے ساتھ جاری کی جاتی ہیں۔ اسے BISP کی طرف سے دوہری ادائیگی کہا جاتا ہے۔ تو وہ لوگ جو یہ جاننا چاہتے تھے کہ کیا انہیں ڈبل ادائیگی ملے گی، مجھے امید ہے کہ یہ پڑھنے کے بعد انہیں ایسے تمام سوالات کے جواب مل گئے ہوں گے۔

8171 Check Online CNIC

If you are a regular beneficiary of Benazir Kafalat and you could not get your payment last time due to some reason, And if you want to know whether this time your payment has been issued by the Benazir Income Support Program with July to September payment or not, then here you will get to see the complete procedure. By following this procedure, you will be able to check your payment easily at home without going to the office.

  • For this, you have to first visit the official web portal of BISP https://8171.bisp.gov.pk/.
  • And as soon as the portal opens, you will see a form in which you have to enter your ID card number and the Captcha code shown on the screen.
  • As soon as you enter the captcha code and ID card number and press the find button, the complete details of your payment will appear on your screen.

If you see something like “You are eligible for the sponsorship program; you have not received Rs 21,000 recently; please go to the nearest payment center in your district and receive the money,” then it means it is clear that your double payment has been released.

Also Read: Benazir Kafalat Payment Update For Month of September

Procedure For Receiving Double Payment

If we talk about the process of getting a double payment, it has been made easier by the Benazir Income Support Program. After receiving the payment release SMS from 8171, you can go to your nearest BISP payment center and collect your payment. Remember that the payment will be issued to you only if you have received the SMS from 8171; otherwise, the payment will not be issued to you. So avoid visiting the payment center to collect your payment until you receive the payment release SMS.


The Benazir Income Support Program has released the July-September installment of the Kafalat program, after which a wave of happiness has spread among the eligible people. However, the purpose of this article was to inform you about the double payment of sponsorship. In this article, you have been told with complete details that which people will get double payment this time. And along with this, you have been provided complete information regarding getting payment with complete details and checking online at home. Further, if you have any questions regarding this or you want to get any information regarding this, then you can ask your question in the comment section.

By 8171Update

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