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Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
Procedure for Checking Eligibility in Green Tractor Scheme 2024

Punjab Green Tractor Scheme

The Punjab Green Tractor Scheme is one of the steps taken by the Punjab government to improve the agriculture sector. Under this scheme, a special subsidy of 10 lakh rupees is being provided to 9500 farmers by the Punjab government for the purchase of tractors. It should be noted that after the registration process of the tractor scheme is completed, the verification of all applications has been completed. And as you people know, the lottery for the selection of 9500 lucky farmers was to be held on October 20, 2024, which could not be done on time due to various reasons. And according to the new date issued by the Punjab government, the draw will now take place on October 25, 2024.

The purpose of this article is to inform those farmers who want to know the complete procedure to know their eligibility after the draw. In this article, such farmers are being informed with complete details about how they will know after the draw whether they are eligible for subsidy or not. Further, in this article, I will also provide the complete procedure to get the lists of successful farmers through the lottery. So if you want to get any kind of information, then you will need to complete this article.

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Punjab Green Tractor Scheme Winner List

How Will The Successful Farmers Be Notified In The Tractor Scheme?

First of all, let’s talk about the most frequently asked question of how successful farmers will be informed by the government that they have been declared eligible for subsidy. In this regard, let me tell the farmers that when you had completed your registration process and you had received the confirmation SMS. Similarly, if you are selected to provide subsidy after the draw, you will be informed through SMS. And remember, this SMS will be received from the same number from which you received the registration confirmation SMS. Along with this, you can also visit your nearest agricultural office to get information about your eligibility.

سب سے پہلے، سب سے زیادہ پوچھے جانے والے سوال کے بارے میں بات کرتے ہیں کہ کس طرح کامیاب کسانوں کو حکومت کی طرف سے بتایا جائے گا کہ انہیں سبسڈی کے لیے اہل قرار دیا گیا ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں میں کسانوں کو بتاتا چلوں کہ جب آپ نے اپنی رجسٹریشن کا عمل مکمل کر لیا تھا اور آپ کو تصدیقی ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوا تھا۔ اسی طرح، اگر آپ قرعہ اندازی کے بعد سبسڈی فراہم کرنے کے لیے منتخب ہوتے ہیں، تو آپ کو ایس ایم ایس کے ذریعے مطلع کیا جائے گا۔ اور یاد رکھیں، یہ ایس ایم ایس اسی نمبر سے موصول ہوگا جس سے آپ کو رجسٹریشن کا تصدیقی ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوا تھا۔ اس کے ساتھ، آپ اپنی اہلیت کے بارے میں معلومات حاصل کرنے کے لیے اپنے قریبی زرعی دفتر بھی جا سکتے ہیں۔

Lists of Farmers Successful in Green Tractor Scheme

Continuing the article, we talk about those farmers who want to know from where they can get the lists of successful farmers after the lottery. Let me tell such farmers that the procedure will be very easy. As soon as the draw will be completed by the Punjab government on October 25, the lists of successful farmers will be published on the official website of the Green Tractor Scheme. And the farmers who want to get the lists will be able to get the lists of successful farmers by going to the official website. Along with this, let me tell you more that if you face difficulties in getting the lists by going to the official website, you will be able to get the lists of successful farmers on our same website.

Also Read: Punjab Green Tractor Scheme Draw Date Changed

Next Steps For Successful Candidates

Let’s assume that you are selected among the 9500 lucky farmers who will be provided a subsidy of 10 lakh rupees on the purchase of a tractor by the government. And if you want to know what steps you need to follow after that, then don’t worry; I am going to tell you the complete plan of action here. Let me tell you that if you are selected by the Punjab government to provide such a subsidy of 10 lakh rupees through lottery. So you have to first deposit the tractor registration fee and the remaining amount of your share within the next one month as per the procedure given by the government. As soon as you deposit your share amount and the registration fee of the tractor, the delivery order of the tractor will be issued to you within the next one month. And you can receive your tractor as soon as the delivery order is issued.


The Punjab Green Tractor Scheme is one of the unique initiatives taken by the Punjab government to further improve the agriculture sector. Under which the Punjab government is providing a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh on the purchase of tractors to 9500 farmers who meet the eligibility criteria, which is a very big and first of its kind initiative. In this article, a complete procedure has been provided to the farmers who have completed the registration under the tractor scheme to check their eligibility and get the list of successful candidates. Remember that eligibility information and lists of successful farmers can be obtained only after the draw held on October 25. If you want to get any kind of information in this regard or have any question regarding this, then you must ask in the comment section.

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