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Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
3 Days Left For Registration Of Punjab Dhee Rani Program

Punjab Dhee Rani Program

After receiving the approval of the Punjab Dhee Rani program from Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the formal registration has started throughout Punjab. The aim of this program is to provide financial assistance to poor and deserving parents from Punjab to fulfill their social and religious responsibilities with dignity and respect. And as you know, marriage is a sacred social contract in Islam, which is the basis of a prosperous life. But due to the increasing inflation and the current economic condition of the country, many indigent parents are not able to marry their children, due to which they are in great trouble. And now Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has given approval to start a mass marriage program to remove this problem of these parents.

If I talk about this program, let me tell you that under this program, the newly married couples will be given 1 lakh rupees by the Punjab government. Along with this, under this program, a dowry worth Rs 2 lakh 6 thousand will be given as a gift to the bride by the Punjab government. Which includes everyday items such as prayer mats, wooden double beds, mattresses, glass and dinner sets, etc. And as I told you people, the registration of this program has been formally started. and the main purpose of this article is also to inform you about the registration.

Because the last date to complete the registration is 5 November 2024. Therefore, people who want to benefit from this program, if they have not completed their registration process, should complete their registration process today. In this article, the complete procedure to complete the registration is being provided to you in detail.

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Punjab Dhee Rani Program Registration

Eligibility Criteria

Certain criteria have been set for availing of the Chief Minister Punjab Dhee Rani program to ensure the support of needy girls. These criteria are very simple and easy, so that girls who really deserve this assistance can easily register in this program. Here I am providing all the eligibility criteria set by the Punjab Government below for your guidance. So after reading them, if you find that you meet all the eligibility criteria, then you can complete your registration process.

  • Only girls who are orphans, destitute, or daughters of disabled persons are eligible for this program. Their age should be between 18 and 40 years.
  • The applicant can be the bride’s father, mother, guardian, or the bride herself.
  • The applicant must be a resident of Punjab.
  • If applications are received in excess, the selected candidates will be selected by electronic lottery.
  • The applicant has to give an affidavit that he is unmarried and willing to participate in the mass marriage ceremony.
  • The applicant must have a Pakistani identity card, according to which he is a permanent resident of Punjab.
  • The applicant should not be involved in any illegal activity, especially such illegal activity that is against the state.

These standards help maintain the program’s transparency and purpose.

Procedures to Complete Registration in Punjab Dhee Rani Program

If you meet all the eligibility criteria mentioned above, then you can easily submit your application at home through the online portal or by going to the office of the Deputy Director of Social Welfare of your respective district. And here I am describing the complete procedure of applying through both methods for your guidance. If you are also interested in submitting your application, you can submit your application by choosing any one of these methods. And remember that the application can be submitted only by the bride’s father and mother, as well as the bride’s guardian.

اگر آپ مذکورہ تمام اہلیت کے معیار پر پورا اترتے ہیں، تو آپ آن لائن پورٹل کے ذریعے یا اپنے متعلقہ ضلع کے سماجی بہبود کے ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر کے دفتر میں جا کر آسانی سے اپنی درخواست گھر پر جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔ اور یہاں میں آپ کی رہنمائی کے لیے دونوں طریقوں سے درخواست دینے کا مکمل طریقہ بیان کر رہا ہوں۔ اگر آپ بھی اپنی درخواست جمع کرانے میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں، تو آپ ان طریقوں میں سے کسی ایک کو منتخب کرکے اپنی درخواست جمع کروا سکتے ہیں۔ اور یاد رکھیں کہ درخواست صرف دلہن کے والد اور والدہ کے ساتھ ساتھ دلہن کے سرپرست جمع کر سکتے ہیں۔

Online Application Procedure

So, if you want to complete your registration at home with the help of the online portal, you have to follow the following steps.

  • You must first open the official web portal from the given link https://cmp.punjab.gov.pk/register.
  • After opening the portal, you have to create your account by clicking on the register button that appears in the top right corner.
  • After creating an account, you will login by entering your username and password, and then the registration form will open in front of you.
  • The registration form is divided into a total of 6 sections
  • In the first section, you have to enter the bride’s information first.
  • In the second section, you have to enter the information of the bride’s parents.
  • In the third part of the application form, you have to enter the information of the groom.
  • While in the fourth section of the application form, you have to enter the information of the groom’s parents.
  • Within the fifth section, the necessary documents have to be uploaded.
  • And within the last part, the application has to be submitted by completing the affidavit.

Procedure To Submit Application By Visiting Social Welfare Office

If you are facing any kind of difficulties in completing the online registration or cannot complete the online registration due to a lack of education, then you need not worry. The Punjab government has also introduced an alternative registration procedure for your convenience. As an alternative procedure, you can submit your application by going to your nearest Social Welfare Deputy Director Office.

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The mass marriage program launched by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif is the first and unique initiative in the history of Punjab that will provide financial assistance to deserving parents to fulfill their social and religious responsibilities with dignity and respect. 3000 newlywed couples will benefit under the first phase of this program. And at this time, the registration process is going on throughout Punjab, and only three days are left before the registration period ends. And keeping this in mind, the complete procedure for completing the registration has been provided in detail in this article. Interested candidates can easily complete their registration process by following the procedure provided in this article.

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